From the Mouths of Babes

. Monday, June 30

True story.  This just happened:

A boy stops in front of a television showing Obama speaking, and just stares.  And stares. "What are you doing?" his mother asks, and the boy stares for a few moments more.

"I just figured out where Osama bin Laden is, and why they haven't been able to find him," he says.  "He shaved his head and his beard and is now running for president of the US!"

Searching for a photo of bin Laden, I found the photo and this article: Race, Perception and the Institutionalization of Networks.

It appears that the boy isn't the only one who has noticed the similarities...


Anonymous said...

Ya...I think your right, Obama is Osama with a hair cut, shave, and a nose job! He changed the name but kept it close enough to laugh at us and not with us. Ah...and the middle name Hussein? Now that was taking it a bit too far. Didnt we orchestrate the hanging death of that guy? Ya know...didnt Osama disappear about as long as Obama has been around? Ya never see them together at the same time. ( Except here ) Very funny and kinda creepy all at the same time.

Unknown said...

My vote goes to it being funny, and not true! But, considering the 'climate', you'd think Obama would at least go back to using his birth name, Barry, instead of sticking with this Muslim name. He should at least act like he wants to be American!

Grandy said...

Funny. I used to think Rush Limbaugh and Barney were one and the same person. You either loved or despised either one, and you never saw them in the same room either.

T.C. said...

The Manchurian Candidate reworked.

Anonymous said...

LOL...good one...

thanks n regards

BillyWarhol said...

It will be such a Relief when Bush is Gone + Barack Obama is the Next President!!

;)) Peace*