No Market For Male Contraceptives?
Tuesday, August 5
Get this. Major pharmaceutical companies have decided that there isn't enough of a market to put money into research and development of male contraceptives. One German company dropped its projects, and all the rest followed, many close to success and completion. It seems as though there is a large chasm between what drug companies research and develop and what is medically needed. In a survey of 9,000 men between the ages of 18 and 50, only 55% said that they would be interested in new male contraceptives, but the survey didn't question how many men would actually use it if it were available. So, it seems as though women remain the responsible ones for the tango that takes two.
To be quite frank, I think it's the whole machismo thing. A man would not go to the doctor unless pushed by their better half and I'm sure that they wouldn't be caught buying a contraceptive for themselves either, unless pushed by their better half. I think that is why only 55% or so stated that they would be interested, but unknown is the number that would actually go out and get it. I'm sure that if it were available, regardless of the benefits, men would "shy" away from them to avoid being ridiculed by other men.
Well, knowing how my hubby is about remembering to pick up my son, I'd hate to think how he would be about remembering to take a PILL. :)
@Metall, ridiculed by others? Is there that much riding on the active sperm count in how masculinity is determined? How would anyone know? Wouldn't it be more responsible and 'manly' to participate in whether or not you produce children?
@Grandy, back when I was on the Pill, I was lucky if I remembered to take it daily. Oh, I did; but there were a few times I came close to not remembering!
I can't see men ever wanting to take it...unless they come up with a good Ad Campaign.
"Manpill"...Only wealthy men have a lot to protect....loose your pants not your shirt... to unwanted off spring
ok, that kind of stunk,,,but you get the idea
It is too sad to hear this story. Why is it always a double standard thing even in this modern world we all know... it is also our fault as women..we better impose our right forcefully!
Poor women of the world. The burden is always at their side, from kids, to housework to all... why most men are so apathetic?
The reason it makes no sense for the pharmaceutical companies to make a male contraceptive is obvious... A woman could never be 100% sure that a man is using it even if he says that he is, and if she cannot trust that he using then she would STILL have to protect HERSELF from unwanted pregnancy.
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