April 1 is D-Day For Virulent Worm

. Sunday, March 29

Microsoft is offering a $250,000 bounty for the author of the Conficker C worm that is hard-coded to hit on April 1. The first version of the worm debuted in 2008 and managed to infect 9 million computers. This year, the tally is expected to be exponentially more severe.

"What's known so far is that on April 1, all infected computers will come under the control of a master machine located somewhere across the web, at which point anything's possible. Will the zombie machines become denial of service attack pawns, steal personal information, wipe hard drives, or simply manifest more traditional malware pop-ups and extortion-like come-ons designed to sell you phony security software? No one knows." Christopher Noll: The Working Guy.

Though little is known about the worm so far, the advice is simple: Make sure Windows is updated as well as all your antivirus and antimalware signature files. Double check that your protective software is actually running because Conficker C may have disabled it.

Entrecard Users: Check out the post on Bad-Gals Radio, then check your Advertising Settings on your Entrecard dashboard!


The Hawg! said...

Great. I'm buying a blasted Mac when I get the chance (and the cash rounded up). I'm sick to death of hearing about this kind of nonsense. Seems that it's always just bad news for Windows boxes, anyway.

Unknown said...

Wait! Save your money. I recall reading back a bit, maybe around the SXSW event, that hackers are getting bored with Windows and are now going after the Mac OS as well! I think the iPhone kicked the balance.

The Hawg! said...


Ah, phooey. Still, I think I'd prefer a Mac...

Unknown said...

I used a Mac when I had to work in the newsroom. It took a bit to get used to, but not much. In the end, both are just a tool to get things done. Why publishing prefers Macs is beyond me since Windows machines can do the same. You'll get stiff arguments for both camps. Go with what you prefer.