Child Left at Airport, Parents Fly to Paris Unaware

. Monday, August 4

Get this. A family of 7 is late to catch a flight out of an Israeli airport (pictured above). They rush around, get all their duty-free shopping items checked safely along with their 18 pieces of luggage, then board the plane. They are in the air 40 minutes (that's forty minutes!) yet still didn't know their three year old daughter was missing, left at the airport to wander, until a flight attendant told them their child was found. The child follows - in the company of another flight attendant - on the next flight to Paris where the family is vacationing. We wouldn't want to disrupt a vacation over a silly thing like probable child neglect, now would we? Police will look into it when they return. Bah.


HawgWyld said...

Oh, no! It's like "Home Alone."



The Natural State Hawg

Unknown said...

You think so? I don't know... This is kind of real.

Sandee said...

Good Lord. I just can't see you not noticing this. Just saying. Some parents. :)

Unknown said...

I'm with you, Sandee. It sure never would've crossed my mind when my son was small to leave him anywhere 'by mistake.' Egads.