Obama Gets a Pat on the Back from India

. Sunday, October 11


Though the topic of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to “rid the world of nuclear arms and to bridge the divide with the Muslim world” is a hot one, kudos to Sudarshan Pattnaik for creating this sand sculpture on the Golden Sea beach in Puri, India to commemorate the occasion.

Too bad he ran out of room for that last letter!


BK said...

It's truly amazing how the sculpture was done; very creative.

Unknown said...

He must've worked fast too. Pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

The whole thing is ridiculous if you ask me. (not the sculpture) but Obama winning the peace prize for what he "hopes" to do. Of couse the peace prize has been a real joke ever since Al Gore won one for his totally unreferenced propaganda film " The incomplete truth" err....The inconvenient truth. What a joke! lol!