Inbox: What's Good for the Goose
Losing Sleep Due to Worry About Bills
If I were to jump to conclusions by these numbers, I'd have to say that the people not sleeping because of money worries match the 90 percent of the population that holds only 10 percent of the wealth in this country.
There certainly aren't any of the failed financial companies that received and are now misspending the bailout money we all paid for among this list of worriers. Instead of opening up credit, they are buying out other banks and taking extravagant vacations. Honestly, who didn't see that coming? Everyone but the government that should've let those companies pay their own consequences. Enough!
UCA Shooting Kills 2, Wounds 1
KATV Anchor Pressly Dies
"Life was easy for Anne Pressly. But it is her death that is so very hard for all of us," said Pamela Smith, a KATV co-anchor.
FBI Releases "Anthrax" Letter
What would give more of a clue, besides the glaring misspelling, is the word or name that is blacked out - "redacted." What could possibly be so sensitive in nature that the public is not allowed to see that word? Is it a clue to what really caused the stock market crash? Perhaps. Today's article contained the same snippet of information about JPMorgan buying out Chase, so Reuter's may be making a point. It's also strange that the AP hasn't followed along with stories of its own; at least none that I saw.
Anthrax Threats Focus on JPMorgan Chase
The news article does not state whether the recipients of the powdered letters have all been Chase banks, though it does state that JPMorgan Chase has "aggressively acquired other assets as the financial system has weakened," and is now the largest, strongest bank in the country. A monopoly may be in the making; and it looks like someone or some group is loudly voicing their displeasure at this prospect, especially since little news of the build-up has leaked into mainstream media. Of course, with little detail shared, we can only speculate.
No Show, or Wasn't Invited? Beam Him Up
Inbox: Death of the West
Pigeons Arrested for Espionage in Iran
I'll admit that it's probably possible to use pigeons for various tasks, since they have been known to carry messages in the past. However, this still strikes me as a bit ridiculous, if not straight out paranoid. What could possibly be held in a metal band besides a microchip used for tracking? And, what, pray tell, is an "invisible string"? If it's invisible, how do they know it's there? What would the purpose of string be since that implies it's not an antennae? Next, they'll be declaring jihad against pigeons!
Jobs Growth: Obama vs. McCain
Obama - Alternative energy tops his list, with civil engineering and construction following. He wants to reward teachers and expand educational programs, and offer 'incentives' to companies to return manufacturing to US soil. He plans to rework the telecommunications industries and rebuild the wireless spectrum.
McCain - Aerospace/Defence tops his list with an increase in missile defense and weaponry. Next is expanded efforts for hybrid and efficient automobiles, and the call to build energy efficient buildings that increase construction. When it comes to health care, he wants to release the restrictions of subscribing only to the plan offered by employers which will increase competition in the insurance sector. On the board are plans to build 45 new nuclear energy facilities and further exploration for oil and natural gas here in the US.
In my mind, I'm finding a huge disparity between these particular goals and the activities of the current campaign. Obama announced today that he raised $150 million dollars in September alone, more than double what he raised in August, with the average donation equaling $100. In contrast, McCain accepted public campaign funding and is restricted to $84 million for his entire campaign. Obama's TV ads appear 4 to 1 over McCain's commercials.
It appears as though Obama's goals for the country are limited and unspecific, yet the man sure can spend money, and spends everything that comes to him. Is this an example of his fiscal responsibility? McCain's efforts appear more defense and military related, which might be prudent during the global economic crisis. His plans are more comprehensive, yet seem to be aimed at stabilizing today all the while saying it will take 20 years to fully implement. Both fall short of identifying where we are at now and how, exactly, they will fund these little pet projects. Neither seem to address the needs or wishes of the average, US citizen.
In my opinion, take it or leave it, neither candidate has what it takes to lead this country at this time. The United States - and the world - deserve better than this.
Another 'Activist' Jumps to Conclusions
The group and Tomlin insist that the elephant retire to an elephant sanctuary in Tennesee, though the zoo already has ordered a companion elephant that will arrive within the next two months, and plans to build a much larger habitat in 2010. The zoo believes that it would be far more stressful for the elephant to move now since she is used to her environment and handlers. The zoo faced huge opposition when they planned to move the elephant to a habitat in Mexico right after her companion died in May - back when it actually would have helped the animal.
Once again, here is yet another celebrity sticking her nose in and making noise before having enough factual knowledge to take a legitimate stand about animal welfare. If she wanted to be a real help in this situation, she would donate the money to build the new elephant habitat. Put up or shut up, Lily!
Senator's Case Thrown Out - No Mailing Address
There are times when pulling a stunt just doesn't work. In fact, I'd say this one backfired itself right into ridiculousness. Oh, and there's no photo available to go along with it. I think you'll understand why in a moment.
Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a lawsuit last year seeking a permanent injunction...against God. He claims that God has made terroristic threats against him and the people of Omaha, and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."
Somehow, some way, Chambers is expecting people to now realize, since he's filed this lawsuit against God, that everyone has access to the courts, rich or poor. (That is a connection I completely fail to see myself.)
The judge dismissed the case with prejudice since the defendant was not properly served and never can be served without a mailing address. Chambers believes that the court ruling proves the existence of God by law, and since He is omniscient, "God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit." Chambers believes that this is a loophole that he may use to file for an appeal.
This Senator Chambers sort of reminds me of the other two Senators now running for President of the US. I think they had better run some environmental checks in Washington, DC -- there must be something in the water!
Recession: It's Official Now
BIG Pumpkin
Where Child Abandonment is Legal
The original intent of the law was to protect newborns at risk of harm. Now, Landry says, "I certainly recognize and can commiserate and empathize with families across our state and across the country who are obviously struggling with parenting issues, but this is not the appropriate way of dealing with them, whether you're in Nebraska or whether you're in another state." Oh, really? What do you suggest, dear sir?
Take heart, Mr. Landry. You're certainly not the first DHHS that has completely missed the real needs of the people you are supposed to serve. Perhaps it's time to look at preventive programs instead of the usual band-aids? Maybe, just maybe, a true needs assessment will now happen across the country in other human service agencies because of your very public blunder.
Qualifications of President of the US
- Person must be a natural born citizen of the United States.
- Person must be 35 years or older.
- Person must be nominated by the Republican or Democratic party.
What Jolie Might do is News?
OpenOffice 3
Like most people blessed (cursed?) with PC's, I live in Microsoft XP and Office. Word documents are pretty much the standard, much like Photoshop is the ipso facto standard for photo editing. Just like Photoshop, purchasing Microsoft Office takes a second job and renting out the spare bedroom to afford.
The alternative is OpenOffice, with version 3 scheduled for release this week. This free office suite is just about as powerful as MS Office and will open, edit and save in Office format. One perk that Office doesn't have is the ability to save in PDF. Oh, and it comes in Mac too.
So, if you've been limping along with the Microsoft Works that came installed on your PC, head on over and get a real suite of applications that run neck and neck with Microsoft Office. Clicking on the logo above will take you to a mirror download site before the official release of the new version of OpenOffice. You're welcome!
No, I'm not getting paid for this post. Did I mention OpenOffice is free?
Poof, it's Gone
Man Receives Two New Arms

It took 40 medical team members 15 hours to perform the transplant, and so far, Merk's body has shown no signs of rejection and the scars are healing well. It is the world's first full arm transplant.
Since losing both arms, Merk has needed 24 hour care. He looks forward to being able to dress and feed himself, and drink a glass of milk on his own.
When Technology Goes Green
Transgender Study Explains Gender Pay Gap
An Election Tie Would be a Mess
In the House right now, Democrats control 27 states, Republicans 21, and 2 states have an equal number of representatives in both parties. The sticky part comes in to play when you consider that only 25 of the states signed into law that their representatives are required to vote per the popular vote in their states. This scenario could mean that some representatives would be voting against their own party, and under an extreme amount of pressure because of it, whether in states that require their vote to be the popular vote or not.
Both candidates would be bargaining and cajoling and doing whatever they had to do to get House representatives to vote their way. In the meantime, get this, while the candidates are in bed with the House, the Senate is in the process of choosing the Vice President. Obama could end up with Palin, and McCain could end up with Biden, regardless of which wins the presidency.
If the House doesn't choose by the time Bush leaves on January 20, the newly chosen VP becomes president. If neither the House or the Senate can make up their minds, Nancy Pelosi becomes the acting president until everyone makes up their minds!
Considering the House's decision to back the $700 billion bailout plan against a very strong and overwhelming opposition to it by the American people, your guess is as good as mine which way they'd choose in this election. It could end up in the courts, much like the 2000 Bush election, and it could drag on for quite awhile.
If this wasn't so pitiful, it would be hilarious. What if we turned against the status quo and all decided not to vote at all? That would sure put a crimp in their plans.
Sanctuary: New Web to TV Series
Uribe to Marry
Bailout Failed Without a Spin
So, I have to ask: What makes them think we haven't been living this economic failure already? The economy has been crap for the everyday Joe for about two years. No stink was made until the downturn started to effect the bottom line for the rich. Sorry, but the trickle-down theory only works when the economy is in an upswing, and that only happened once in our history at the beginning of the Industrial Age. Keep calling your representatives and remind them that they must continue to represent The People.